A perfect practice ammo. We use our own swaged lead bullet in a case that has been through a meticulous remanufacturing process. This ammo is designed for PPC pistol competition where 50 yard accuracy is critical.
Customer Reviews
38 spl 148 grain hbwc ammo
Very accurate as I have been told by others. All the more reason I just ordered some 9mm 124 grain match. I have seen how superbly accurate these are, and can't wait to give them a try. I would recommend this company's ammo to anyone looking for accurate reliable ammo ,to give it a try.
38 spec. 148 grain remanufactur HBWC
I shot these wad cutters at the range today at 10 yards in my Uberti 1851 36 cal. Navy Colt Revolver. Had about a 2 inch spread in the bullseye with no malfunctions.
38 spl 148gr hbwac
just ordered another 1000 rounds of this ammo. I use it for practice and in matches. Its that good. I have a senior match in March so I will be burning a lot of it to get ready for the match.
38 special 48 grain HBWC remanufactured ammo
Shoots great and a really good price. the only reason I didn't give it 5 stars was it was somewhat difficult to load into my Ruger GP100 using a speed loaders. Speed matters when I participate in IDPA matches. Other than that, it's great ammo!
Accurate, soft shooting. Great for target practice and teaching newbies. Hoping for a batch of 158 SWC for speedloaders.
38 Special 148 HBWC Remanufactured Ammo
First order and haven't shot a lot of it, but seems like good stuff. Slightly less felt recoil as my old PPC loads. I like shooting light loads and this fits the bill.
Great for target practice, makes nice round hole in paper target.
Great for pistol training.
38 special 148 gr HBWC re-man
Very accurate-clean and mild recoil well buy again
38 spl 148gr hbwac
hard to find this ammo at a reasonable price. This is a great find,good ammo burns clean. functions well in my s&w mod 52. and in any revolver. just keep it coming/
Great service