A perfect practice ammo. We use our own swaged lead bullet in a case that has been through a meticulous remanufacturing process. This ammo is designed for PPC pistol competition where 50 yard accuracy is critical.
price range: |
$64.34 - $240.51 |
Customer Reviews
38 Spl 158gr SWC - Remanufactured Ammunition
good looking ammo, well packed. shot well
38 SPL 158GR SWC
Wonderful range ammo. Clean burning powder and reliable primers. They are a joy to shoot.
158GR SWC = Great!
I ordered 1000 rounds of this ammo. Shipping was very quick, and the rounds were beautifully remanufactured. What I received were all nickel plated and shiny. I shot a few boxes at the range today. The ammo is extremely accurate out of my GP100. Typically, after shooting several boxes of ammo from this (stainless) gun, I spend a lot of time cleaning the residue off of the cylinder face. With this ammo, the cylinder face wiped clean with a little Hoppes! The only negative that I have to report would be that the rounds produce a lot of smoke. (Nobody at the indoor range complained though.) Great Ammo! Great Price!
38 spl reman
excellent ammo at great price. Quick delivery, and great service
38 SPL 158GR SWC
I bought this ammo for the 50 yd stsge of the NRA Distinguished Revolver Matches it is very satifactory for will order more
Absolutely no problems. Dependable and accurate. Will purchase again.
38 sp 158 gr SWC reman
I have a Pedersoli Rolling Block n 38sp/357 mag and found out that it shoots this ammo more accurately than any other load, holes touching each other at 50 yds using open tang sights.
38 sp 158 gr SWC reman
Very nice accurate practice round. Fired these in my S&W models 60 and 637 plus in my riffles a Henry Big Boy and a Pedersoli rolling block, very nice soft shooting in the rifles and very clean.
38 spec. 158 gr SWC remaned ammo
Very good round, nice looking case and bullet. Shot about 25 rounds and worked without a problem. I recommend this ammo.